SVN commit 1133027 by hindenburg: Remove the shortcut to send all output to current windows. This might catch people off guard if they accidently hit it. People who want it can just re-assign it back. CCBUG: 238373 M +0 -1 SessionController.cpp --- branches/KDE/4.4/kdebase/apps/konsole/src/SessionController.cpp #1133026:1133027 @@ -435,7 +435,6 @@ // Copy Input To -> All Tabs in Current Window _copyToAllTabsAction = collection->addAction("copy-input-to-all-tabs"); - _copyToAllTabsAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Comma) ); _copyToAllTabsAction->setText(i18n("&All Tabs in Current Window") ); _copyToAllTabsAction->setCheckable(true); connect( _copyToAllTabsAction , SIGNAL(triggered()) , this , SLOT(copyInputToAllTabs()) );