SVN commit 1017932 by johnflux: I can't use < or > in the description M +2 -2 actions.actions --- trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/ksysguard/processcore/actions.actions #1017931:1017932 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ [org.kde.ksysguardprocesslisthelper.sendsignal] -Name=Send SIG to process -Description=Sends a signal (e.g. SIGKILL) to a process. Expects an argument "signal" (an int) and an argument "pids" (A QList ) of pids to send the given signal to. +Name=Kill, stop etc a process +Description=Sends a signal (e.g. SIGKILL, SIGSTOP, etc) to a given process Policy=auth_admin