SVN commit 1013534 by jlayt: Switch implementation of formatDate() and readDate() from KLocale to KCalendarSystem. Currently if you create a new KCalendarSystem instance for a system other than the Global calendar system, the formatDate and readDate methods will return incorrect result. While creating your own locale first works around this, this is not obvious or friendly for app developers. This change solves this by moving the readDate and formatDate implementations into KCalendarSystem and pointing the KLocale methods at these. Refer to for full details. No reviews received, as maintainer of KCalendarSystem I've made decision to proceed with change. M +247 -5 date/kcalendarsystem.cpp M +16 -2 date/kcalendarsystem.h M +1 -0 date/kcalendarsystemhebrew.cpp M +52 -271 localization/klocale.cpp