SVN commit 1013124 by spstarr: This is more likely to be thunderstorms which is the worse of the two M +1 -1 ion_envcan.cpp --- trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/dataengines/weather/ions/ion_envcan.cpp #1013123:1013124 @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ forecastList["a few rain showers or wet flurries"] = RainSnow; forecastList["a few showers"] = LightRain; forecastList["a few showers or drizzle"] = LightRain; - forecastList["a few showers or thundershowers"] = Showers; + forecastList["a few showers or thundershowers"] = Thunderstorm; forecastList["a few showers or thunderstorms"] = Thunderstorm; forecastList["a few thundershowers"] = Thunderstorm; forecastList["a few thunderstorms"] = Thunderstorm;