SVN commit 995177 by alexmerry: randomguy3 does housekeeping part 2c: remove the signals from EngineController, and convert things that used them to EngineObserver. Also, make EngineObserver robust against the EngineSubject being deleted before the EngineObserver. M +4 -14 EngineController.cpp M +2 -20 EngineController.h M +33 -1 EngineObserver.cpp M +54 -6 EngineObserver.h M +3 -0 context/applets/videoclip/VideoclipApplet.h M +17 -18 dbus/PlayerDBusHandler.cpp M +6 -4 dbus/PlayerDBusHandler.h M +31 -10 scriptengine/AmarokEngineScript.cpp M +16 -2 scriptengine/AmarokEngineScript.h M +26 -19 toolbar/MainToolbarNG.cpp M +12 -11 toolbar/MainToolbarNG.h M +0 -2 widgets/VolumeWidget.cpp M +1 -2 widgets/VolumeWidget.h