SVN commit 967426 by fabo: Make sure syncqt create Phonon/Global file. A patches/0281-syncqt-create-phonon-global.diff M +1 -1 patches/README M +5 -0 src/3rdparty/phonon/phonon/phononnamespace.h --- trunk/qt-copy/patches/README #967425:967426 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Please assign the numbers incrementally, and don't reuse them. The next one: -#0281 +#0282 This directory contains patches for Qt that haven't been accepted by TrollTech yet. All patches in this directory itself shouldn't make qt-copy incompatible --- trunk/qt-copy/src/3rdparty/phonon/phonon/phononnamespace.h #967425:967426 @@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ #include "phonon_export.h" +#ifdef __QT_SYNCQT__ +// Tell syncqt to create a "Global" header here +#pragma qt_class(Phonon::Global) +#endif + /** * Helper macro that can be used like * \code