SVN commit 947619 by dfaure: Fix the other kxmlgui bug found by Will: merge an empty qdomdocument in case of a parse error, otherwise one gets all the ui_standards menu (empty), which is kind of confusing. PEBCAK though, for not reading runtime warnings :) CCMAIL: M +1 -0 kxmlguiclient.cpp --- trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kdeui/xmlgui/kxmlguiclient.cpp #947618:947619 @@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ } else { #ifdef NDEBUG kError() << "Error parsing XML document:" << errorMsg << "at line" << errorLine << "column" << errorColumn; + setDOMDocument(QDomDocument(), merge); // otherwise empty menus from ui_standards.rc stay around #else kFatal() << "Error parsing XML document:" << errorMsg << "at line" << errorLine << "column" << errorColumn; #endif