SVN commit 939349 by orlovich: Merged revision 939348: Some significant name lookup optimizations for IDString --- doing case normalization as we do the lookup, avoiding the need for explicit lowercasing. Also tweak splitPrefixAndLocalname to avoid needless copiesin the normal, :-less case. Gives about a 10-15% speedup on my attach-less (display:none) parsing benchmark, and about 1.4x or so speedup on getAttribute & similar microbenchmarks. M +3 -3 html/htmltokenizer.cpp M +1 -4 html/htmltokenizer.h M +43 -4 misc/idstring.cpp M +28 -4 misc/idstring.h M +20 -21 xml/dom_docimpl.cpp M +10 -16 xml/dom_elementimpl.cpp M +6 -5 xml/dom_elementimpl.h M +10 -17 xml/dom_nodeimpl.cpp M +57 -11 xml/dom_stringimpl.cpp M +6 -1 xml/dom_stringimpl.h