SVN commit 855507 by staniek: SQLite and MySQL drivers now compile and link -fix #includes -replaced PREDICATE_DRIVER_INFO with EXPORT_PREDICATE_DRIVER, using Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2() -Driver class now has ctor without args, as we use Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2 for plugins -added PreparedStatementInterface, which is now base for prepared statement feature implementation in drivers -Connection: prepareStatementInternal() now uses -the SQLite driver can use the newest non-internal SQLite library -MySql* -> Mysql* in class names M +45 -9 Predicate/CMakeLists.txt M +3 -3 Predicate/Connection.cpp M +1 -2 Predicate/Connection.h M +2 -2 Predicate/Driver.cpp M +8 -8 Predicate/Driver.h M +9 -13 Predicate/Driver_p.h M +4 -3 Predicate/Error.h M +3 -3 Predicate/Expression.h M +13 -10 Predicate/Global.cpp A Predicate/Interfaces (directory) A Predicate/Interfaces/PreparedStatementInterface.h [License: LGPL (v2+)] M +1 -1 Predicate/LookupFieldSchema.h M +9 -5 Predicate/PreparedStatement.cpp M +4 -3 Predicate/PreparedStatement.h M +3 -2 Predicate/RecordData.cpp M +2 -2 Predicate/SchemaData.h M +2 -2 Predicate/drivers/CMakeLists.txt M +23 -2 Predicate/drivers/mysql/CMakeLists.txt M +26 -29 Predicate/drivers/mysql/MysqlConnection.cpp M +8 -9 Predicate/drivers/mysql/MysqlConnection.h M +16 -17 Predicate/drivers/mysql/MysqlConnection_p.cpp M +9 -8 Predicate/drivers/mysql/MysqlConnection_p.h M +28 -28 Predicate/drivers/mysql/MysqlCursor.cpp M +6 -6 Predicate/drivers/mysql/MysqlCursor.h M +26 -27 Predicate/drivers/mysql/MysqlDriver.cpp M +3 -3 Predicate/drivers/mysql/MysqlDriver.h M +2 -2 Predicate/drivers/mysql/MysqlKeywords.cpp M +31 -20 Predicate/drivers/mysql/MysqlPreparedStatement.cpp M +17 -13 Predicate/drivers/mysql/MysqlPreparedStatement.h M +1 -1 Predicate/drivers/pqxx/PqxxDriver.cpp M +17 -5 Predicate/drivers/sqlite/CMakeLists.txt M +3 -2 Predicate/drivers/sqlite/SqliteAdmin.cpp M +2 -0 Predicate/drivers/sqlite/SqliteAdmin.h M +1 -0 Predicate/drivers/sqlite/SqliteAlter.cpp M +16 -16 Predicate/drivers/sqlite/SqliteConnection.cpp M +1 -3 Predicate/drivers/sqlite/SqliteConnection.h M +1 -1 Predicate/drivers/sqlite/SqliteCursor.cpp M +3 -4 Predicate/drivers/sqlite/SqliteDriver.cpp M +1 -1 Predicate/drivers/sqlite/SqliteDriver.h M +19 -13 Predicate/drivers/sqlite/SqlitePreparedStatement.cpp M +5 -1 Predicate/drivers/sqlite/SqlitePreparedStatement.h M +33 -23 Predicate/drivers/sqlite/SqliteVacuum.cpp M +4 -4 Predicate/drivers/sqlite/SqliteVacuum.h M +1 -1 Predicate/drivers/sybase/SybaseDriver.cpp M +1 -1 Predicate/drivers/xbase/XbaseDriver.cpp M +1 -1 Predicate/tools/Utils.cpp M +2 -0 TODO