SVN commit 855493 by staniek: update M +15 -2 TODO --- branches/work/predicate/TODO #855492:855493 @@ -1,10 +1,23 @@ Buildsystem: [ ] find replacement for -DKDE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_AREA=44000 [ ] move *Validator classes from tools to a separate PredicateGui lib +[x] version macros like PREDICATE_VERSION are generated using cmake Drivers: -[ ] add SQLite driver for 3.6.1+ version (use FindSQLite.cmake) - but also keep SQlite 3.2.8 for compatibility with Kexi 1.x +[x] add SQLite driver for 3.6.1+ version (use FindSQLite.cmake); + Compatibility with Kexi 1.x (SQlite 3.2.8) is acheived because we use the 1st + file format of SQLite, which is the default for 3.3.6+. + (see +[ ] TODO: let's add this note: + In June 2006 we have migrated to 3.2.8 from 3.0.7 + ( + Thus, any future use autovacuum will make the db read-only for 3.0.7-based drivers + and ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN will make it unreadable for 3.0.7-based drivers + unless VACUUM is executed. We hope it will not be a problem by the time + we decide to use these features in the final, since 3.0.7-based Kexi will be already + 3 years old. It will be always possible to perform simple migration using the following command + "sqlite-old old.db .dump | sqlite-new new.db" +[x] MySQL driver builds Naming, API: [ ] what to do with kexi__ prefix for db objects (backward compat.)?