SVN commit 834329 by winterz: revert SVN commit 834326 by winterz: backport SVN commit 834325 by winterz: don't show the configuration for the summaries in the the main Kontact config; it is out of place there. To select the summaries in the summary view, the user will use the "Configure Summary View". M +3 -1 kcmkontactsummary.desktop --- branches/KDE/4.1/kdepim/kontact/plugins/summary/kcmkontactsummary.desktop #834328:834329 @@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ X-KDE-ModuleType=Library X-KDE-Library=kcm_kontactsummary X-KDE-FactoryName=kontactsummary -X-KDE-CfgDlgHierarchy=Kontact +X-KDE-ParentApp=kontact_summaryplugin +X-KDE-ParentComponents=kontact_summaryplugin +X-KDE-CfgDlgHierarchy=KontactSummary Name=Summaries Name[ca]=Resums