SVN commit 834133 by mkretz: require xcb for the videowidget. If you don't like it feel free to figure out all the necessary #ifdefs M +1 -1 CMakeLists.txt --- trunk/KDE/kdebase/runtime/phonon/xine/CMakeLists.txt #834132:834133 @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ message(STATUS "Cannot compile VideoWidget for the xine backend. Needs xine version 1.1.5 or later and libxcb.") SET(XCB_VIDEO FALSE) endif(XCB_FOUND AND XINE_XCB_FOUND) -macro_log_feature(XCB_VIDEO "XCB" "XCB is needed for the video widget, libxine needs to be compiled with XCB" "") +macro_log_feature(XCB_VIDEO "XCB" "XCB is needed for the video widget, libxine needs to be compiled with XCB" "" REQUIRED) add_definitions(-DPHONON_BACKEND_VERSION_4_2) kde4_add_plugin(phonon_xine ${phonon_xine_PART_SRCS})