SVN commit 792184 by lunakl: Document also KDE_SESSION_VERSION. M +4 -0 startkde.cmake --- trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/startkde.cmake #792183:792184 @@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ # of the user running the KDE session. It should be rarely needed (e.g. # after sudo to prevent desktop-wide functionality in the new user's kded). # +# Since KDE4 there is also KDE_SESSION_VERSION, containing the major version number. +# Note that this didn't exist in KDE3, which can be detected by its absense and +# the presence of KDE_FULL_SESSION. +# KDE_FULL_SESSION=true export KDE_FULL_SESSION xprop -root -f KDE_FULL_SESSION 8t -set KDE_FULL_SESSION true