SVN commit 768809 by ilic: More epydoc. M +30 -0 M +5 -0 file/ --- trunk/l10n-kde4/scripts/pology/ #768808:768809 @@ -1,2 +1,32 @@ # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # pology.__init__ + +""" +Pology is a framework for custom processing of PO files in field environments, +and a collection of tools based on its foundation, including many smaller +scripts and "subscripts" which can be used to perform various precision tasks. + +Core Pology objects -- abstractions of PO catalog and its entries -- are +designed to allow quick writing of robust scripts. By default, the correctness +of processed objects is strictly enforced, but such that the user may easily +switch it off for better performance. Modifications to PO files on disk are +always explicit, and Pology tries to change as few lines as possible to be +friendly to version control systems. + +For typical processing needs of different kinds of data in PO files, Pology +defines many utility functions, such as for word-splitting, markup handling, +wrapping, comment parsing, summary reporting, rule matching, etc. + +Pology encourages addition of tools that are not necessarily applicable to PO +files in general, but are intended to support the features and conventions of +specific translation environments. For another, "orthogonal" level of diversity, +Pology also contains language-specific tools, grouped by language under a +dedicated top-level module. + +As a design intent, Pology includes tools which have overlapping or even duplicate functionality. This is to allow for tools better suited to particular needs, by their collection of features and levels of complexity. + +@author: Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић) +@author: Sébastien Renard + +@license: GPLv3 +""" --- trunk/l10n-kde4/scripts/pology/file/ #768808:768809 @@ -382,6 +382,11 @@ That is, when monitoring is requested, entries are represented by the L{Message} class, otherwise with L{MessageUnsafe}. + Monitored messages are usually appropriate when the application is + expected to modify them. Non-monitored messages should provide better + performance, so use them whenever the catalog is opened for read-only + purposes (such as checks). + @param filename: name of the PO catalog on disk, or new catalog @type filename: string