AN ALLE FINANZINVESTOREN! DIESE AKTIE WIRD DURCHSTARTEN! DIENSTAG 1. MAG STARTET DIE HAUSSE! Company: ORAMED PHARMA WKN : A0J3FG ISIN : US68403P1049 Markt: Frankfurt Kurzel : OJU.F Preis: 0.50 5 Tages Prognose: 2.10 OJU.F ESGESCHAFT FIN UNTER PARI! LASSEN SIE SICH DIESE CHANCE NICHT ENTGEHEN! This simply creates a separate pointer to the string constant in the pool. When you do this, you don't get back a Map. This would not be a general purpose listener list. getParent()); console. You can implement this approach in many different ways. However, the class is not in the predefined set of collections, so a WeakHashMap is used instead. getSubInterfaces(); for (NetworkInterface networkInterface : Collections. PROGRAMMATIC ACCESS TO NETWORK PARAMETERS Java SE 6. The key is the lookup name and the value is the InputStream contents to be stored. Welcome to the Core Java Technologies Tech Tips. The answer is: pass in null as the InputStream associated with a specific key. One of the commonly used creational patterns is the Singleton pattern. getHardwareAddress())); console.