SVN commit 636115 by metz: - We are Phonon-only now! :) - Fix PlayPauseAction, of course I had to mix up playing/paused state - Make the seek slider work again - Add QString Noatun::formatDuration(int duration), formats durations in a way suitable for display (full l10n and i18n support, finally) - prepare Noatun::Player to become exported via DBUS M +1 -2 library/CMakeLists.txt M +46 -0 library/global.cpp [POSSIBLY UNSAFE: system] D library/hardwarevc.cpp D library/hardwarevc.h M +12 -0 library/noatun/global.h M +32 -45 library/noatun/player.h M +1 -102 library/noatun/plugininterfaces.h M +2 -2 library/noatun/pluginloader.h M +211 -278 library/player.cpp A library/player_p.h [License: BSD] M +1 -1 library/playlistitem.cpp M +1 -8 library/plugin.cpp M +0 -50 library/plugininterfaces.cpp M +2 -5 library/pluginloader.cpp M +4 -4 library/stdaction.cpp M +0 -5 modules/CMakeLists.txt D modules/akode-engine (directory) M +14 -25 modules/noatunui/userinterface.cpp M +1 -3 modules/noatunui/userinterface.h D modules/phonon-engine (directory)