SVN commit 633777 by dfaure: Large improvements in memory usage and speed when sending mails; see kmail-devel. The time between Ctrl+Enter and the composer window disappearing is noticeably shorter (it's almost immediate now), especially when no crypto is used. This is part of the contracted work for kolab issue 1222 ("out of memory when signing large attachments"). M +2 -2 kmail/kmcommands.cpp M +2 -2 kmail/kmcomposewin.cpp M +1 -1 kmail/kmfoldermaildir.cpp M +42 -29 kmail/kmmessage.cpp M +2 -0 kmail/kmmessage.h M +27 -12 kmail/kmmsgpart.cpp M +19 -9 kmail/kmmsgpart.h M +3 -3 kmail/kmreaderwin.cpp M +118 -118 kmail/messagecomposer.cpp M +8 -9 kmail/messagecomposer.h M +1 -1 kmail/objecttreeparser.cpp M +2 -1 kmail/partNode.cpp M +8 -6 kmail/tests/ M +106 -1 kmail/util.cpp M +95 -1 kmail/util.h M +1 -1 libkdenetwork/qgpgme/dataprovider.cpp M +6 -6 mimelib/dwstring.cpp