SVN commit 604220 by neundorf: fix #15876: if a file name contains a newline, the newline was displayed in the status bar, which m with this patch all newlines are replaced with a space in the status bar info, so this doesn't happen anymore. Maybe it could also be replaced by "
" or "\n" or ... Maybe this could even be moved to KStringHandler cPixelSqueeze ? Does this still exist in KDE4 or has it been replaced by some Qt function ? Alex CCMAIL: M +1 -0 kfileitem.cpp --- branches/KDE/3.5/kdelibs/kio/kio/kfileitem.cpp #604219:604220 @@ -745,6 +745,7 @@ text += " "; text += mimeComment(); } + text.replace('\n', " "); // replace any newlines with a space, so the statusbar doesn't get a two-line string which messes the display up, Alex return text; }