SVN commit 590801 by monge: * Enabled options for themes, quite hacky at the moment for what concerns save/load of options to settings, i'm waiting for a better settings class :) M +22 -13 CMakeLists.txt M +17 -0 lua/CMakeLists.txt M +1 -1 src/console.cpp M +1 -0 src/highlighter.cpp M +19 -6 src/loader/theme.cpp M +7 -2 src/loader/theme.h M +4 -0 src/luaapi/loader.cpp M +1 -0 src/luaapi/loader.h M +34 -16 src/option.cpp M +2 -2 src/option.h M +50 -1 src/pref_theme.cpp M +9 -0 src/pref_theme.h M +70 -61 src/ui/pref_theme.ui AM tests/options/settings.cpp [License: no copyright] AM tests/options/settings.h [License: no copyright] A themes/Squares/Default/theme_solid.lua