SVN commit 573864 by martin: > SVN commit 573538 by goutte: > > Disable again extracting KOffice 1.6 on trunk/l10n, as somebody has already > allowed it for stable. :-( Actually disable it this time. :) Seems scripty ran branches/koffice/1.6 -> trunk/l10n accidently last night. M +1 -1 get_paths --- trunk/l10n/scripts/get_paths #573863:573864 @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ # If you re-allow one of the following modules, do not forget to remove it for the extra_doc_modules list # kdelibs kdebase kdegames kdesdk kdegraphics kdeutils kdenetwork kdemultimedia kdeadmin kdetoys kdevelop kdepim kdeaddons kdeartwork kdeedu kdeaccessibility kdewebdev - echo kdekiosk kdenonbeta kdereview extragear-addons extragear-graphics extragear-libs extragear-multimedia extragear-network extragear-office extragear-pim extragear-security extragear-sysadmin extragear-toys extragear-utils playground-artwork playground-base playground-edu playground-games playground-ioslaves playground-multimedia playground-network playground-pim playground-sysadmin playground-utils playground-accessibility koffice + echo kdekiosk kdenonbeta kdereview extragear-addons extragear-graphics extragear-libs extragear-multimedia extragear-network extragear-office extragear-pim extragear-security extragear-sysadmin extragear-toys extragear-utils playground-artwork playground-base playground-edu playground-games playground-ioslaves playground-multimedia playground-network playground-pim playground-sysadmin playground-utils playground-accessibility } # List of module where only the documentation is extracted