SVN commit 556626 by winterz: a few minor changes to make krazy happy. Note that there are a couple instances where QByteArray + "*" are replaced with QByteArray + '*'. This was a no-no in Qt3, but should be ok in Qt4. The tests passed too. M +2 -2 kcalendarsystemhebrew.cpp M +4 -4 kcmdlineargs.cpp M +5 -5 kconfig_compiler/kconfig_compiler.cpp M +3 -3 kiconloader.cpp M +2 -2 kjob.h M +12 -12 kpalette.cpp M +1 -1 kprocess.cpp M +1 -1 kservice/kplugininfo.cpp M +3 -3 kshortcut.cpp M +1 -1 ksocks.cpp M +1 -1 kstandarddirs.cpp M +5 -5 kstringhandler.cpp M +1 -1 ktempdir.cpp M +1 -1 kurl.cpp