SVN commit 525150 by jsixt: New settings for tab handling introduced. The tab key can be handled in three ways: - always inserts a tab character; - always indents the line with the cursor; - does the one or the other depending on the circumstances: inserts a tab character if there is no selection and the cursor is located somewhere after the first character, otherwise, (there is a selection or the cursor is in the whitespace at the beginning of the line or the line is empty) it indents the line. The configuration dialog is modified so that the radio button group now switchas among these options. M +26 -1 kateconfig.cpp M +11 -0 kateconfig.h M +37 -12 katedialogs.cpp M +0 -18 katedocument.cpp M +0 -2 katedocument.h M +39 -21 kateviewinternal.cpp