SVN commit 515162 by neundorf: -prepare the KDE3 files for moving to cmake cvs -added the variables formerly sitting in kdebase/cmake/modules/FindKDE4.cmake -added export_library_dependencies(KDELibsDependencies.cmake) command to kdelibs/CMakeLists.txt, this file will be installed and used later on by FindKDE4Internal.cmake when stuff != kdelibs is compiled Please have a look at KDELibsDependencies.cmake to see what it contains. The variables set there still have to be used in FindKDE4Internal.cmake for setting the KDE4_FOO_LIBRARIES() varaibles, I only did it unitl now for kdeui. Alex CCMAIL: M +4 -0 CMakeLists.txt M +53 -53 cmake/modules/FindKDE3.cmake M +24 -0 cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake M +71 -71 cmake/modules/KDE3Macros.cmake