SVN commit 503345 by orlovich: -Implement selectionStart, selectionEnd, and textLength on textarea -Fix the value on physical wrapped mode to not invent spaces -Proper changed check on updateFromElement, so we don't reset the textarea willy-nilly Among other things, makes phpBB editting buttons work. BUG:71451 BUG:79371 BUG:113217 BUG:109092 M +34 -0 dom/html_form.cpp M +39 -1 dom/html_form.h M +8 -0 ecma/kjs_html.cpp M +2 -1 ecma/kjs_html.h M +54 -1 html/html_formimpl.cpp M +6 -0 html/html_formimpl.h M +138 -2 rendering/render_form.cpp M +16 -0 rendering/render_form.h