SVN commit 492428 by jbaptiste: Don't close kcontrol if the network backend isn't found. M +0 -4 knetworkconfigparser.cpp --- branches/KDE/3.5/kdeadmin/knetworkconf/knetworkconf/knetworkconfigparser.cpp #492427:492428 @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ i18n("Could not find the backend script for the network configuration detection. Something is wrong with your installation.\n Please check that \n{KDE_PATH}/%1 \nfile is present.").arg(BACKEND_PATH), i18n("Could Not Find Network Configuration Backend Script")); dialog->close(); - //exit(5); //kapp->quit(); } else @@ -66,7 +65,6 @@ i18n("Could not execute backend script for the network configuration detection. Something is wrong with your installation."), i18n("Could Not Launch Network Configuration Backend Script")); dialog->close(); - exit(5); } } } @@ -96,7 +94,6 @@ KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Could not execute backend script for the network configuration detection. Something is wrong with your installation."), i18n("Could Not Launch Network Configuration Backend Script")); - exit(5); } } @@ -1003,7 +1000,6 @@ KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Could not execute backend script for the network configuration detection. Something is wrong with your installation."), i18n("Could Not Launch Network Configuration Backend Script")); - exit(5); } }