SVN commit 455612 by johnflux: Preferences now inherits from PreferencesBase which is generated from KConfigXT. This means that Preferences is now a singleton, and all code must be updated to reflect that. Also there is a lot of duplication in preferences that is already in PreferencesBase so i've commented out all the functions, and slowly readding them as they are needed. The ones that end up not being needed, and hence in PreferencesBase, will be deleted. All the variables in Preferences have been renamed to mVariable to keep with PreferencesBase. All the getters in Preferences have been renamed to variable() to keep with PreferencesBase. This is totally uncompilable, but it was before this commit, so no harm done *grin*. # M +1 -1 M +4 -6 irccolorchooser.cpp M +1 -2 irccolorchooser.h M +2 -2 ircview.cpp D konversation_settings.kcfgc M +95 -99 konversationapplication.cpp M +2 -4 konversationapplication.h M +25 -25 konversationmainwindow.cpp M +2 -4 preferences.cpp M +482 -483 preferences.h A preferences_base.kcfgc konversation_settings.kcfgc#455589