SVN commit 454050 by cniehaus: TODO some more items, need to check them with Pino in Malaga M +21 -0 TODO --- branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu/kalzium/TODO #454049:454050 @@ -93,3 +93,24 @@ +Properties listed on my periodic table: +Page 1: +- electronconfig [DONE] +- Atomic radius (covalent, ionic, vdw [Semi-DONE] +- reduction potential +- EN [DONE, there are more values, other scales] +- abundance [Semi-Done] +- biological symbol [DONE] +- IUPAC-Name [DONE] +- number [DONE] +- oxidation-numer(s) [DONE, need to be checked] +- orbitals [DONE] + +Page 2: +- number of natural isotopes +- massenzahlen (# of neutrons) of the most important isotopes +- natural abundance of the isotopes +- first IE [DONE] +- density [DONE] +- SP and BP [DONE] +- Infos about the most important isotope [DONE but needs to be improved]