SVN commit 450009 by wstephens: Remove the 'delete folder' action from the context menu - it's not safe as it's next to 'move all messages to trash' and the confirmation dialogs are near identical. Also deleting folders does not meet the 'frequently used' criteria for context menu entries. Approved by ThomasZ. M +0 -3 kmfoldertree.cpp --- branches/KDE/3.5/kdepim/kmail/kmfoldertree.cpp #450008:450009 @@ -1019,9 +1019,6 @@ mMainWidget->action("compact")->plug(folderMenu); - if ( !fti->folder()->isSystemFolder() ) - mMainWidget->action("delete_folder")->plug(folderMenu); - folderMenu->insertSeparator(); mMainWidget->action("empty")->plug(folderMenu); folderMenu->insertSeparator();