SVN commit 449214 by johnflux: -) Cleanup the file properties dialog box a bit -) The permissions tab is not shown if the file(s) have no owner or group (system:/ etc) -) The created etc timestamps aren't shown if the file does not have that property. -) The meta info tooltip does not show the timestamps if it does not have that property. -) The size string in the tooltip and dialog box now shows, e.g. "34 B" or "6.2KB (6,364B)" but not "34 B (34)" as before. -) The said function is now shared by both the tooltip and dialogbox, instead of code duplication -) The file size is not shown in the tooltip and property box, if it does not have a size, instead of "0 B" as before. FEATURE: BUG: M +6 -4 kfile/kpreviewprops.cpp M +27 -17 kfile/kpropertiesdialog.cpp M +8 -0 kio/global.cpp M +8 -0 kio/global.h M +56 -20 kio/kfileitem.cpp M +21 -3 kio/kfileitem.h