Dne pá 5. srpna 2005 14:41 Matthias Kretz napsal(a): > SVN commit 443236 by mkretz: > > The first (somewhat) working KDEMM backend based on aRts. I used aRts for a > few reasons: > 1. It's the framework I know best and I can rather easily write a backend > for 2. The features and problems are known to me, so I know what is a KDEMM > problem and what is a backend problem. > 3. We need it anyway for the poor people who need it for compatibility in > KDE4. This sounds weird :) Are we going to put another layer on top of aRts which is going to be thrashed anyway? -- Lukáš Tinkl KDE developer Give me a Plumber's friend the size of the Pittsburgh dome, and a place to stand, and I will drain the world.