SVN commit 441716 by goutte: Detect theora files that were written by GStreamer (out of specification) (Backport of revision 441605; not tested) CCBUG:109598 M +2 -0 magic --- branches/KDE/3.5/kdelibs/kio/magic #441715:441716 @@ -61,10 +61,12 @@ 0 string .RMF application/vnd.rn-realmedia # OGG files +# For theora at position 87, see bug #109598 0 string OggS application/ogg >28 string \x01vorbis audio/vorbis >28 string fLaC audio/x-oggflac >28 string \x80theora video/x-theora +>87 string \x80theora video/x-theora >28 string Speex\ \ audio/x-speex >29 string video video/x-ogm >29 string FLAC audio/x-oggflac