SVN commit 429985 by ervin: Reverting to a ForwardingSlaveBase for the system:/ ioslave. Finally it was a much better way than the one I've just tried. So yay! Go for the second level of forwarding! This time it'll really rule them all! _M trunk/KDE/kdebase/kioslave/system (directory) M +66 -6 entries/home.desktop M +4 -2 entries/media.desktop M +3 -1 entries/remote.desktop M +3 -0 entries/settings.desktop M +3 -0 entries/trash.desktop _M kdedmodule (directory) M +69 -29 kdedmodule/systemdirnotify.cpp M +1 -3 kdedmodule/systemdirnotify.desktop M +4 -2 kdedmodule/systemdirnotify.h M +49 -14 kio_system.cpp M +4 -2 kio_system.h M +0 -2 mimetypes/system_directory.desktop M +9 -7 system.protocol M +65 -0 systemimpl.cpp M +3 -1 systemimpl.h