SVN commit 420399 by orlovich: Fix settings dialog size. M +3 -0 page_irccolorsbase.ui M +2 -1 page_rmbmenubase.ui --- branches/work/kde4/kdenetwork/ksirc/KSPrefs/page_irccolorsbase.ui #420398:420399 @@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ <p>This selection allows you to control what the colors displayed inline in the channel look like. These colors are used for both mIRC style colors in channels and colorful nicks. The sample box beside the button gives you an example of what it will look like in the channel. The checkbox controls if the color is used for the colorful nick features. Checked means use it.</p> + + true + --- branches/work/kde4/kdenetwork/ksirc/KSPrefs/page_rmbmenubase.ui #420398:420399 @@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ - + + true