CVS commit by faure: Reload plugins after enabling/disabling them so that no restart is necessary. Show plugins for the active part, instead of always khtml, so that one can also configure the konqiconview/konqlistview plugins with this dialog. Added .desktop files for those plugins so that they appear there. A remoteencodingplugin/kremoteencodingplugin.desktop 1.1 A shellcmdplugin/kshellcmdplugin.desktop 1.1 M +26 -16 1.7 M +4 -2 konq_extensionmanager.h 1.3 M +21 -21 1.1409 M +2 -3 listview/ 1.271 M +2 -2 remoteencodingplugin/ 1.3 M +2 -2 shellcmdplugin/ 1.4 M +1 -1 shellcmdplugin/kshellcmdplugin.rc 1.3