CVS commit by barry: Response to patent briefing document has been over whelming and has led to the formation of a lobbying group in Ireland. A number of organisations are in talks to join and I have revamped the relevent section of to reflect this. A intro.php 1.1 A patent-functions.php 1.1 A briefing/changelog.php 1.1 A briefing/irishdev.gif 1.1 M +1 -1 email-meps.php 1.2 M +40 -23 index.php 1.3 M +1 -1 mep-status.php 1.5 M +13 -2 briefing/authors.php 1.2 M +1 -1 briefing/background.php 1.2 M +1 -1 briefing/examples.php 1.2 M +1 -1 briefing/history.php 1.2 M +13 -5 briefing/index.php 1.2 M +1 -1 briefing/intro_points.php 1.2 M +1 -1 briefing/refs.php 1.2 M +1 -1 briefing/studies.php 1.2 M +1 -1 briefing/topten.php 1.2