On Friday 17 September 2004 16:27, David Faure wrote: > On Friday 17 September 2004 16:22, Nicolas Goutte wrote: > > There seems to be a problem nevertheless, as Matthias Kalle Dalheimer's > > name and email are on 2 lines, giving side effects (It is more visible in > > CVS HEAD.) > > Line-breaking this way seems to be very standard, so what's the problem? Standard? I do not know. It is the first "last translator" entry on 2 lines that I see. The first message entry (msgid "") is a little special and it seems rather sensitive (well, at least it is sensitive for the declared charset.) But you seem right. I have tested with msgcat and msgmerge. Both indeed wrap the "last translator" entry and msgmerge seems to work with it. > Which side effects? There are extra lines, just with Matthias Kalle Dalheimer's emails. Nevertheless I think that this extra lines should be removed. Even if msgmerge would work (which I have not tested yet), a future version might not work anymore. Have a nice day!