CVS commit by mboyer: add the kolab2 server specificity to kmail configure sending and receiving M +15 -0 getting-started.docbook --- kdepim/doc/kmail/getting-started.docbook #1.10: @@ -134,4 +134,10 @@ chapter. + + +Kolab2 server + +When configuring a SMTP account with a Kolab2 server Host, you need to check the Server requires authentification option and to fill in your Kolab2 user's email address and password in the Login and Password fields. Select then the Security tab and click on the Check What the Server Supports for automated setup of your Security configuration. The default should be TLS/PLAIN. The Kolab2 server supports SSL/PLAIN as well. Those settings may of course be configured manually. + @@ -155,4 +161,13 @@ 110, the default for IMAP is 143). + + +Kolab2 server + +select Disconnected IMAP when choosing your Account Type. Fill in the Login and Password fields with respectively your user email address and password on the Kolab2 server. In the Security section click on the Check What the Server Support button for automated set-up of your Security configuration. The default should be TLS/PLAIN. The Kolab2 server supports SSL/PLAIN as well. Those settings may of course be configured manually. + +If you want to use the "Out of Office" Replies functionality of the Kolab2 server, set-up the Filtering section of you DIMAP account by checking the Server supports Sieve option as well as Reuse host and login configuration, Managesieve port should be set to 2000 as default. + +