CVS commit by amantia: Port bugfixes here for: - hanging of Quanta after desktop switching while uploading a project - failure of recognizing special area groups in some cases - failure of opening external files from PHP when it contained inclusion keywords. - bump version number M +2 -2 1.44 M +82 -2 quanta/qextfileinfo.cpp 1.29 M +31 -13 quanta/qextfileinfo.h 1.15 M +1 -1 quanta/data/tags/php/description.rc 1.30 M +16 -2 quanta/parser/parser.cpp 1.158 M +1 -1 quanta/parser/qtag.h 1.53 M +0 -2 quanta/project/project.cpp 1.136 M +14 -4 quanta/project/projectupload.cpp 1.49