CVS commit by luis: *Make AssocRole and AssocPropPage take a UMLAssociation and not an AssociationWidget. *Make AssogGenPage display all associations in which an object is involved, and not only the Widget Associations on the current diagrem oh man!, this Association Vs. AssocWidget is really a mess... I'll do some more small clean ups tomorrow M +64 -10 association.cpp 1.22 M +8 -2 association.h 1.14 M +4 -70 associationwidget.cpp 1.58 M +1 -8 associationwidget.h 1.26 M +1 -1 floatingtext.cpp 1.28 M +3 -3 umlrole.h 1.6 M +19 -143 dialogs/assocgenpage.cpp 1.5 M +18 -42 dialogs/assocgenpage.h 1.3 M +56 -15 dialogs/assocpage.cpp 1.5 M +24 -29 dialogs/assocpage.h 1.5 M +74 -32 dialogs/assocpropdlg.cpp 1.9 M +32 -72 dialogs/assocpropdlg.h 1.5 M +65 -57 dialogs/assocrolepage.cpp 1.9 M +20 -41 dialogs/assocrolepage.h 1.3