On Friday 01 November 2002 00:09, Rob Kaper wrote: > - third-party releases of apps within packages are discouraged. They will > either require an upgrade/installation of kdeartwork/kdeclassic or KDE > itself (libs/base/icon-handling), which removes the option for developers > to keep applications in CVS a bit more backwards compatible. If there's a > new feature in libs, you *must* use it, immediately, because you're part > of KDE. Can't you just release those icons in your tarballs? You need to package an admin dir too. cvs2pack could even rename the cr-icons to hi-icons using a flag if you prefer. > - we allow applications to maintain their *own* custom icons, for all > themes. Would be horribly inconsistent file naming inside CVS. > - we keep hi* in the main packages for now. The third best reason being the > fact that completely removing it is a bit drastic for a .1 and should be > done for 4.0, the second best that this late in the release cycle it might > create more problems than anticipated (adding Crystal as default broke the > freeze and it can't be argued it was important since the PR hinted at it, > removing hicolor was not necessary) and the best is that it would solve > everyone's issues for now. That would blow up the tarball sizes to unacceptable heights, so that's not an option either. > - upgrading a package requires not only a kdelibs upgrade, but also a > kdeartwork upgrade. This should clearly documented and in the > announcements. A new kdeartwork 3.0 is released with the hi* icons which > have been removed outside of kdelibs which allows applications with > third-party releases to be used with 3.0. That's impossible to get right since the hicolor inheritance requires a kiconloader update, so for KDE 3.0 user this is out of the question. If you want to release separately for 3.0 too (KDevelop, Kopete, Atlantik and KOffice spring to mind here) you can either branch in CVS, add the icons manually in the release tarball or add the required renaming/copying to cvs2pack. I clearly vote for the latter in order not to clobber CVS with those legacy files. -- Martijn