From kde-commits Thu Oct 31 23:09:37 2002 From: Rob Kaper Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 23:09:37 +0000 To: kde-commits Subject: Four solutions (Re: kdenetwork/kit/icons) X-MARC-Message: On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 04:19:14PM +0100, Antonio Larrosa Jiménez wrote: > That's talking nonsense. Why do you say that? Do you really think we want > kit have no icon in its toolbars or somewhere else? If you remove those > hi* icons and keep cr* icons kit will have the correct icons shown. Not for stand-alone releases of apps that work with KDE 3.0. It will fail if not hi* icons are available. So either: - third-party releases of apps within packages are discouraged. They will either require an upgrade/installation of kdeartwork/kdeclassic or KDE itself (libs/base/icon-handling), which removes the option for developers to keep applications in CVS a bit more backwards compatible. If there's a new feature in libs, you *must* use it, immediately, because you're part of KDE. or - we allow applications to maintain their *own* custom icons, for all themes. or - we keep hi* in the main packages for now. The third best reason being the fact that completely removing it is a bit drastic for a .1 and should be done for 4.0, the second best that this late in the release cycle it might create more problems than anticipated (adding Crystal as default broke the freeze and it can't be argued it was important since the PR hinted at it, removing hicolor was not necessary) and the best is that it would solve everyone's issues for now. or - upgrading a package requires not only a kdelibs upgrade, but also a kdeartwork upgrade. This should clearly documented and in the announcements. A new kdeartwork 3.0 is released with the hi* icons which have been removed outside of kdelibs which allows applications with third-party releases to be used with 3.0. Depending on the size of kdeartwork compared to the size of keeping hi* icons outside of kdelibs, one of the latter two seem like the best options. Rob -- Rob Kaper | Gimme some love, gimme some skin, | if we ain't got that then we ain't got much | and we ain't got nothing, nothing! -- "Nothing" by A