On Thursday 26 February 2009 7:52:01 pm sibu xolo wrote: > Greetings > > (host clfs pure-64bit-amd64 linux-kernel gcc 4.3.2) > > > ###problems compiling kdebase-workspace-4.2.0 > > Linking CXX shared module ../../../lib/plasma_package_ggl.so > /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lSM > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status > make[2]: *** [lib/plasma_package_ggl.so] Error 1 > make[1]: *** > [plasma/scriptengines/google_gadgets/CMakeFiles/plasma_package_ggl.dir/all] > Error 2 > make: *** [all] Error 2 > > > ############## > > ..suggestions welcomed > You are missing libSM.so Install a package from your distro that has this library. For me, that's libSM-devel on Fedora 9. The kdelibs CMakeLists.txt checks for this library and exits with a fatal error if it cannot be found. So, seems like you are building against a distro kdelibs. Which is fine, but makes me think we need to move the libSM check higher up in the buildsystem. -- Allen Winter | Software Engineer | 1-888-872-9339 KDAB, Inc. | "Platform-independent software solutions" http://kdab.com | 1-866-777-5322 (US) | +46-563-540090 (Sweden) _______________________________________________ Kde-buildsystem mailing list Kde-buildsystem@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-buildsystem