Package: kdevelop Version: 1.1beta2 Severity: normal Bugreport ID : 00:30,01.02.00 Originator : Tord Jansson E-Mail : Subject : Extra menubar displayed when using "menues on top a'la MacOS" Error Class : software bug Error Location : I donīt know Priority : medium Bug Description --------------------------- When using the MacOS theme, the menubar is displayed on top as it should, but an extra menubar is added right below it, displaying just the Help-menu. The Help-menu is also available from the real menubar. The unwanted extra menubar is only about half a screen long. How to repeat the error ------------------- Bugfix or Workaround ---------------------- System Information ------------------------ KDevelop version : 1.1beta2 KDE version : 1.1.1 QT version : 1.44 OS/Distribution : Caldera OpenLinux 2.3 Compiler : egcs-2.91.66 misc :