Hi Simon, hi everyone, At Mandriva, we are currently assessing the use of Python for writing some user interfaces to Nepomuk for which the latest bindings for the Nepomuk Query API would be very helpful. I started looking into twine for updating the corresponding sip files but I'm running into the error below when running twine on a prj file linking to kdelibs-4.4.1 sources, using PyQt v4.7: syntax error in file /usr/share/sip/PyQt4/QtCore/QtCoremod.sip -- token type ID token value API lex state Hence some questions: beside updating the file "pykde43.prj" in the twine project for taking into account the KDE SC version change, is there anything that should be done for generating properly the sip files? More generally, do you have any idea when a new release of the bindings will be out officially, and is there a way we can help? Thanks a lot Kind regards Stéphane -- Stéphane Laurière Mandriva http://mandriva.com http://twitter.com/arkub _______________________________________________ Kde-bindings mailing list Kde-bindings@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-bindings