On Friday 05 February 2010 05:42:34 pm Uriel wrote: > > Looks a good idea. Maybe rather than alias the standard exec() we > > could add an > > exec_with_threads() method? > > The whole point of making it 'smarter' for me was just to get rid of the > bunch of such lines in debug output: > ... > getPointerObject 0x9019c08 -> 0x91d68fc > module: qt virtual 0x9019c08->QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) > called getPointerObject 0x9019c08 -> 0x91d68fc > module: qt virtual 0x9019c08->QApplication::event(QEvent*) called > getPointerObject 0x9019c08 -> 0x91d68fc > module: qt virtual 0x9019c08->QObject::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*) called > getPointerObject 0xbf960750 -> nil > allocating Qt::TimerEvent 0xbf960750 -> 0x93b6380 > ...Thousands of them :)... But you only get a log of vitual method callbacks if you want them. The are various levels and types of debug output and it is quite easy to customize. From the top of qtruby4.rb module DebugLevel Off, Minimal, High, Extensive = 0, 1, 2, 3 end module QtDebugChannel QTDB_NONE = 0x00 QTDB_AMBIGUOUS = 0x01 QTDB_METHOD_MISSING = 0x02 QTDB_CALLS = 0x04 QTDB_GC = 0x08 QTDB_VIRTUAL = 0x10 QTDB_VERBOSE = 0x20 QTDB_ALL = QTDB_VERBOSE | QTDB_VIRTUAL | QTDB_GC | QTDB_CALLS | QTDB_METHOD_MISSING | QTDB_AMBIGUOUS end @@debug_level = DebugLevel::Off def Qt.debug_level=(level) @@debug_level = level Internal::setDebug Qt::QtDebugChannel::QTDB_ALL if level >= DebugLevel::Extensive end def Qt.debug_level @@debug_level end Maybe it is a bit over complicated but you will only get virtual method callbacks logged if one of the things you pass to Qt::Internal.setDebug() is QTDB_VIRTUAL. If you set Qt.debug_level to Qt::DebugLevel::Extensive it does turn on virtual method callback logging. So try setting Qt.debug_level to Qt::DebugLevel::High instead of 'Extensive' perhaps. -- Richard _______________________________________________ Kde-bindings mailing list Kde-bindings@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-bindings