From kde-bindings Wed Dec 10 03:02:41 2003 From: Ashley Winters Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 03:02:41 +0000 To: kde-bindings Subject: [Kde-bindings] permanent URIs X-MARC-Message: Howdy folks, I've come scurrying out from behind the rocks to float an idea past you. If you have a long memory, you know I'm auto-generating some RDF/XML voodoo to completely specify the API of KDE. Since every method in KDE will have a URI, I'd like a permanent place to house the resulting data. For instance, here is an example (non-existant, as yet) URI that I am contemplating use of right now (it's a doozy):,+bool) Some sample XML from /kde/3.2/kdeui would look like so: That concludes today's RDF exposition. Is my idea of too much? Would it be worth proposing once I come up with some library-specific XML files and a version of smoke to use them? :) Ashley Winters __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing. _______________________________________________ Kde-bindings mailing list