No, I'm not looking for suggestions. It's a rhetorical question. :) In my ongoing effort to develop something which will allow PerlQt/KDE/et al. to continue on after I become homeless and/or convicted of theft/fraud/embezzlement, I've been working on a way to reorganize Smoke to be a universal binding interface. So far, it seems to be working out alright. The Ruby/Qt bindings look very functional, and Richard's idea for integrating Java/Qt with Smoke looks entirely feasable to me. So, what should the future hold for Smoke? Well, KDE for one thing. The Smoke library was designed to be extensible with a separate KDE library interface in the same program as Qt, but the code parsers were not. In order to do that, it's probably best to use the gcc parser to output XML into a machine-readable format so as to extract the interface from the compiler itself. However, each Smoke library attempts to be a self-contained unit containing its own "meaning" of every class. The smokekdecore library would have its own dataset entries for QObject and friends, even though it wouldn't provide an interface for them. This imprecise duplication of information leads to a coordination nightmare and a Tower of Babel type situation when attempting to communicate a simple thing like "QWidget pointer" between kdecore and kdeui and qt. So, we need a unified naming system to identify every class/method/constant in a library. Amazingly enough, people have invented a thing called URIs for just that sort of purpose. Each method is a "resource" which is identified by a "URI" and accessed through a "mirror" library using a "smoke" scheme/protocol/whatever. What does it mean? It means everything gets a unique URL, and that URI can be used to call functions. Like so: smoke://;QWidget%2a,const+QPoint%26 Lets break that down RFC2396 style. smoke:// Our resource is not accessible through http or any other existing internet protocol. The Smoke library provides a distinct protocol of marshalling arguments and passing them to functions, as well as a few other perks. That is why we have our own URL "scheme". @ The @ is only used when trying to access the library. Internally, each library is just referenced as smoke://qt/ or smoke://kdecore/ and the filename is "known" through some as-yet-unspecified mechanism. On Windows, it would be smoke://qt@qt.dll/ of course. //; The is the URI-translated absolute name of the class/namespace being referenced. All instances of :: in the fully-qualified name are replaced with / along the path. ::std::strlen(const char*) would become /std/strlen;const+char%2a. The is the encoded argument list of the method. The characters ',' and '+' are reserved for use as argument separator and space character, respectively. The rest of the argument literal should be URL-encoded. For complex template types in argument lists, do this: func(const foo >&, int) func;const+foo%3cbar%3a%3a%3cint%2cconst+char%2a%3e+%3e%26,int Note that ',' is only to be used to separate actual function arguments, and must be escaped within template parameters! In order to call a function, you need one hell of a URL. Try this: smoke:// mapTo;QWidget%2a,const+QPoint%26?return=QPoint Everything before the ? specifies the specific resource (method) to call, and everything after the ? specifies the various parameters as to how to go about doing it. If you want to override a virtual method, perhaps you use ?virtual=override. If you want the size of a QWidget, perhaps you use smoke://qt/QWidget?info=sizeof or something. I dunno. It's yet to be specified. About now the question of ``Why?'' may be on your minds. In particular, why add all that horrifying complexity and string manipulation to the small and lean Smoke? Well, first thing is that the URI scheme is just a representation of the Smoke interface, and I don't expect it to be used at runtime (although the facilities to do so will be available). The reason it's important is to allow each method to be described as a resource through RDF. Simply having URIs for everything doesn't describe the relationships between them. QWidget has to know it's derived from QObject and QPaintDevice. That's where RDF comes in. It will be the way in which the various relationships are specified. Sadly, RDF is highly verbose and n3 is somewhat cryptic, but here's a psuedo-example of the information which would be available through RDF. Only a tip of the iceberg. QWidget inherits (QObject, QPaintDevice) QWidget/topLevelWidget returns (pointer to QWidget) QWidget/topLevelWidget thisPointer (pointer to (constant QWidget)) QWidget/topLevelWidget documentation "Returns the top-level widget for this widget, i.e. the next ancestor widget that has (or could have) a window-system frame." QWidget/QWidget constructs QWidget QWidget/QWidget returns (pointer to QWidget) QWidget/QWidget parameters ((pointer to QWidget, default of 0), (pointer to C-type-char, default of 0), (C-type-unsigned-int, default of 0)) Of course, all this information would be automatically pulled from gcc's parser, but having a universal identifier for "QWidget" (specifically, smoke://qt/QWidget) across every library makes things flow together much more smoothly. As for implementation, there would no longer be separate smokeqt/smokekde libraries. There would be a single libsmoke through which any library would be accessed. It could be implemented in several ways: 1. create the mangled C++ symbol names from the URLs and call through that way 2. replicate the current Smoke method of switch()-based method resolution 3. wrap every method in a C function through a libmirrorqt/kdecore/kdeui/etc library 4. steal some JIT code and generate wrapper functions on the fly using method #1 How libsmoke is implemented in the future is not my concern; however, I personally plan to implement #3. Method #3 requires the creation of a set of mirror libraries, one for each library interfaced. This mirror library would wrap every function in the library and make it available by its URI (I plan to md5sum the URI and use that as the symbol name). This mirror library would be generated using the RDF description of the resources available in the target library. Ideally, there will be a central repository of Qt/KDE library RDF models which will know how various #define flags affect the interface (like QT_NO_TRANSLATION) and would change the mirror library appropriately. I'm not sure how the actual code generation will work. I don't particularly want to make's program a requirement to compile PerlQt (only a requirement to develop) since it's out-of-date, hard-to-fix, slow-to-progress, and it doesn't run cleanly on my system. Instead, I'm considering just creating my own RDF specification of Qt and KDE in the CVS using gccxml and shipping that, while requiring people to install Redland RDF if they want to expand it. *shrug* Implementation is a whole other issue which I'll tackle while I'm doing it. Comments? Suggestions? Offers to do all this for me? Job? Money? Until the next time James Michael DuPont provides me the imspiration to embrace-and-corrupt one of his ideas, farewell. :) Ashley (Got Smoke?) 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