[I'm getting every mail on kde-core-devel 4 times - is it just me ?] > Hi, > first thing I'm doing when rebuilding kdelibs pre-2.0 is modifying > kstddirs.cpp to use .kde2 instead of .kde so it can coexist with 1.1.2 > without messing up anything. > Do we want this change in CVS? [I'm in favor of keeping it at > least until 2.0 is a bit more stable] I don't see the need for this. I use both 1.1.2 and HEAD in the same ~/.kde and everything's fine. (Well, what I use is fine, I don't use everything). And if you do that, all users will magically lose all their settings !!! -- David Faure faure@kde.org - KDE developer david@mandrakesoft.com - Mandrake david.faure@cramer.co.uk - Cramer Systems