On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 6:05 PM, Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org> wrote:
On Wednesday 17 October 2012 08:42:51 Martin Klapetek wrote:
> How about the maximize and unmaximize effect? Are you going to work on that
> as well?
I think last developer sprint you told me how you love writing JavaScript and
how you would love to write a KWin Effect in JavaScript ;-) Thanks for

Now in case my memory was wrong: I can try to write one - should be fairly
simple though we might need some Nuno tricks during the animation as it will
be basically texture scaling, so maybe some motion blur - needs a designer ;-)

Your memory surely was wrong, nevertheless I'd still be happy to attempt that ;) Is there a "kwin scripting starting guide"?

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer