On Monday, 12. May 2008, James Richard Tyrer wrote: > I seem to be missing something here. > > Is there a good reason why this icon isn't called just: > > zoom > > which would be the fall back for icon names > > zoom-* > > ?? That's what my original idea (and even proposal for the ArtLibreSet) was as well, but when thinking about this once more, it appears better to have an icon that is not in the current theme but has an accurate metaphor, as opposed to have a row of plain magnifier glasses that all look the same. I'm quite indifferent about the page-* prefix, so I used the one from ArtLibreSet. I'm convinced that ArtLibreSet's -magnifier suffix is fundamentally wrong, so I used -zoom instead. Makes page-zoom, which intentionally does *not* act as fallback for other zoom-* icons. ______________________________________________________________________________ kde-artists@kde.org | https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-artists